Habitat’s Disaster Repairs Program

Support for Uninsured and Under-Insured Homeowners with Storm-Related Damage

Low-income homeowners in Buncombe or Madison County with storm-related damage can now apply for help with Asheville Habitat.

The organization expanded its Home Repair services after Hurricane Helene devastated the region and significantly increased the community need for home repair, especially among low-income homeowners. Habitat’s new Disaster Repairs program supplements its traditional repair program, and is a partnership with other agencies through ARCHR (Asheville Region Coalition for Home Repair).

Low-income homeowners with storm-related damage who are otherwise unable to afford repairs, can apply. In particular, the Disaster Repair program aims to help low-income homeowners who are uninsured and under-insured. Disaster related issues include trees, flood, roof, hazards, and access.

Asheville Habitat’s Home Repair Director, Joel Johnson, shared, “We are working in partnership with various other repair-focused organizations through the ARCHR Collaboration to address Hurricane Helene related damage to homes in our community. We are focusing on low-income homeowners who do not have access to funds to handle their critical repairs. Qualified applicants will have their homes assessed for storm damage and repairs capable of being completed by ARCHR organizations and qualified subcontractors. Any repair work done for qualified families will include a contract for the work and will be completed at no cost to the homeowner.”

Applications may be submitted at www.ashevillehabitat.org/housing-programs/emergency-repairs.

Qualifying criteria for no-cost repairs include:

  • Household income must be < 70% AMI (area medium income) based on your household size
  • Damage must be storm-related
  • Must live in Buncombe or Madison County

For questions about program requirements, call 828-251-5702.

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