Buckeye Bridge, LLC is Soliciting Quotes – Water Distribution Systems Projects
Buckeye Bridge, LLC is soliciting quotes for two projects:
- The NEP Area 7 Water Distribution Systems Project, City of Asheville Water Resources Department.
Bidding February 25, 2021. - 2nd Street Sewer Relocation Project, City of Newton, NC
Bidding February 23, 2021.
DBE/MBE/WBE certified subcontractors and suppliers needed for Hauling, Asphalt Streets, Asphalt Milling, Concrete Drives, Concrete Sidewalks, Concrete Curb and Gutter, Chain Link Fencing, Erosion Control, Electrical Surveying, and Suppliers of Pipe and Stone.
Bid Documents are available for review at Buckeye Bridge office, 654 Buckeye Cove Rd. in Canton, NC, during normal business hours or request electronic copies. Considerations will be made to all interested DBE/MBE/WBE parties with respect to work sections, bonding, quick pay, and insurance requirements and assistance with procuring materials.
Anyone interested should contact Shane Herbert at 828-648-4511. Non DBE & WBE subs and suppliers are encouraged to include second or third tiers MBE and WBE subs and suppliers in their quotes.
All quotes should be at Buckeye’s office no later than 5:00 p.m. the day before the bid, by FAX 828-665-9374, or email to sherbertatbuckeyebridgellc.com. Please contact Shane Herbert with any questions related to these projects.
Buckeye Bridge, LLC is an equal opportunity employer.