2024 Historic Resources Champions Recognized

On Thursday, May 23, 2024, two recipients were recognized, Ms. Priscilla Robinson and Mr. Harry Blomberg.

Priscilla Robinson
Priscilla Robinson

Each year, the Historic Resources Commission (HRC) presents the Historic Resources Champion award to those in the community who, by word or deed, have kindled among the citizenry of Asheville and Buncombe County an appreciation for the history or historic resources of the area.

Harry Blomberg
Harry Blomberg

The HRC presented the 2024 Historic Resources Champion award to Ms. Priscilla Robinson for her work documenting urban renewal in Asheville’s historic Southside neighborhood, and Mr. Harry Blomberg and the Blomberg family for their efforts in preserving Biltmore Industries. Currently known as Grovewood Village, Biltmore Industries was designated as a local historic landmark in 1998.

The Urban News is pleased to congratulate each of the recipients on being recognized as a 2024 Historic Resources Champion. Thank you for serving the community and helping to preserve Asheville’s history.

Historic Resources Commission

The HRC was created in 1979 through a local ordinance adopted by both the City of Asheville and Buncombe County. The commission reviews projects within local historic districts and local landmarks to ensure that the proposed work is consistent with the applicable design review guidelines.

Regular meetings of the HRC are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 4 p.m. in the North Conference Room on the first floor of the Asheville City Building located at 70 Court Plaza in downtown Asheville.

HRC meetings are available to watch online via the city’s YouTube channel or online engagement hub, publicinput.com/T6444.