Commemorating the Dismantling of Confederate Monuments
Black-owned firm dismantled 23 Confederate monuments across the South.

Devon Henry said yes to a job that no other contractor had the courage to accept.
In 1890, when the Robert E. Lee statue was erected on Monument Avenue in Richmond Virginia, John Mitchell, Jr., the editor of the Black newspaper, The Richmond Planet, foretold of a Black man one day taking down the statue.
One hundred and thirty years later, Devon Henry, CEO and President of Team Henry Enterprises, LLC, was the only contractor who stepped up to that challenge. Henry and his company were hired to remove and de-platform dozens of Confederate Monuments across the Southern United States, including the infamous Robert E. Lee statue in Virginia, as well as statues of Stonewall Jackson, Jefferson Davis, and others.
“The task of dismantling these statues has literally been monumental,” states Devon Henry, who faced harassment and even death threats, as a result of answering the call to “re”mantle history. “It’s very humbling to be the one who fulfills a 131-year-old prophecy. But that’s not enough. I feel a responsibility to use these deconstructed pieces of our past to construct a better tomorrow.”
Devon and his team decided to turn 19th-century symbols of negativity and hate into art of the 21st century, The Thirteen Stars NFT project. The Thirteen Stars is a play on the thirteen stars of the confederate flag. Each star represents the removal of a deplorable confederate monument and tied to a social cause that has plagued black and brown communities for decades.
Ninety percent of the proceeds will be donated to thirteen nonprofit organizations to address societal issues that stem from the ideals and actions reinforced by the Confederate generals whose statues were removed.
Cryptofederacy is a new community rooted in creating artwork and NFT Moments that give back to the underserved communities most impacted by America’s centuries-old relationship with slavery, institutional racism, and other sentiments emblematized by Confederate monuments.
In 2023 the project plans to launch The Cryptofederacy Experience, a traveling exhibit showcasing multigenerational art as well as photographs of the statue removal process.
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